Tuesday, September 9, 2014

overcoming writer's block

I will be 100% honest with you here, and say that I have not been writing as frequently as someone who aspires to be a published author should be. I will not blame any outward sources; it is all my fault. I simply have infected myself with writer's block.
I'm not even sure if I should categorize what I'm going through as "writer's block", because it very well feels like I'm just lazy and unmotivated. Regardless of what it is, I haven't been writing. And it's really hard, having to tell people you're a writer when it's been countless weeks since you've even read your ow manuscript. So I'm not sure if this post is about how I will/am overcoming it, or a desperate plea for HOW to overcome it.
I've been hit with a wave of writer's block this large only once before, and to get over that I simply discarded the piece I was working on and started out fresh. You can see where I would run into some issues when I start dropping stories left and right and making 0 progress in reaching my goal of completely something. 
I've read what other people have said to do, and honestly, that all sounds much too productive for my taste. So here is a list of the things I do when I have writer's blog:

  • I read; no better way to distract myself from my own work than reading someone elses!
  • Comfort food; let's be real, nothing beats a giant bowl of frosted flakes when you're feeling down about yourself.
  • Napping; this is really a flip or flop deal. I either wake up refreshed and ready, or feeling like I've been hit over the head with a bowling ball.
  • Shopping; I do this no matter what I'm feeling, book shopping especially gets me goin'. 
  • Music binge; I get some of my best inspiration from music, and sometimes I like to have an impromptu dance party to calm my nerves.
  • Chokers; this is weird, but I make chokers to occupy myself, and it's my favorite distraction.
  • Journaling; this is considered writing in my mind, so I've accomplished something! 
Okay, so clearly most of those points don't help my writing process AT ALL, but I'm just being honest with you. I get lazy, quit, and then complain about quitting while I sit on my butt and watch Youtube videos. So maybe don't take my points too seriously, but also, sometimes a good nap or break from your piece can be really beneficial. Just don't let your break become long term, because trust me, it's not fun trying to get back into the game when you've been AWOL for weeks. 

And in regards to my writer's block, thanks to much support from fellow writers, I've started writing, slowly but surely.

**Care to share any realistic writer's block cures for me??**

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