Sunday, September 7, 2014

noticing when you are happy

"I urge you to please notice when you are happy."- Kurt Vonnegut 
If you haven't already noticed the reference to this quote in my blog title, this is it. It's become my latest quote obsession, and I already know it's one of those I'll always keep in my pocket for bad days (and good ones). I just want to reflect on this quote a little.
It's from Vonnegut's book A Man Without A Country. I will be upfront and say I never have read this book, I've never even heard of it until I looked it up. But I did find it through a novel (Lets Get Lost by Adi Alsaid. Haven't finished it but it's at about 3 stars for me at the moment) and the moment I read the words, I stopped everything and wrote it down. In my phone, in my journal. I just had to make sure I NEVER forgot those words. It was just one of those quotes.
So after lusting over it for several weeks, I still have that same butterflies-in-my-stomach happiness every time I re-read it. And now I've come to the conclusion that this should be the #1 quote to live by. And trust me I've read through thousands of quotes, but this one just keeps sticking to me. I think it's a beautiful perspective to have on happiness, because so often we don't realize how happy we are until we're looking back on something. And all we have left is the memories to reminisce on and fill ourselves with could'ves/should'ves/would'ves. 
My point is, I want to always notice when I am happy. And just as Vonnegut said, I urge you all to do so, as well. I think there would be a lot less negativity in the world, if we would just realize the joy we experience, the moment we're experiencing it. 
So that's my extended explanation for the title of my blog and my current quote obsession.

***What's your current quote obsession? And why?***

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